just this crazy stories of girl learning how to survive this somewhat cruel world... and finding happiness i think...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

long lost words

its been months? since my last post o here goes nothing

our prelim exam ended two weeks ago and I already saw my grades, sh*t I have a line of 7 grade, ironic but I didn't expected my grade to be that low... well I thought that I was gonna have 80, 81 or something like that... but i didn't expected that. maybe I was too confident that I can pass all my subjects... haay... I was hoping to be in the dean's list. well maybe it's not yet my time and I still have to lift a hundred sack of rice just be able to get into that list... may kuya showed me something in his blog well if you wanna see it check this out (http://eehgow.cureless.net/) and see how this world can be a bit strange.

I'm having difficulty adjusting with my new set of friends. They're cool, nice and all but they seem to be a bit too wild... or I'm just beginning to be too sensitive. Some of the girls have little fights that they gossip behind eahc other's back sometimes, the guys are great but they're irritating when they tease me.

grrr... I don't know what to say anymore... I ran out of stories maybe I could share it with you next time but not now... I'm really not in the mood for a long entry. chow!

I peeked in the jeepney window and there, in the midst of pollution,problems,hard-working people that doesn't know how to stop and appreciate their surroundings, in the city that is always awake... painted in the sky was God's majesty... his great paint brush stroke the clouds with orange and yellow sunset... coloring the horizon of gray and white... giving people hope for another tomorrow....


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