just this crazy stories of girl learning how to survive this somewhat cruel world... and finding happiness i think...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

after the darkness comes the light

yeay! after four days of blackout in the philippines! I'm back! wahahahaaha and I've gain weight grrrr!! all I did was eat, drink water, read 5 chapters of my chemistry book, sleep and complain about the efficiency of our goverment! hahahahhahah...

first day:

I woke up around 7 in the morning, I already knew day before that, that classes are suspended because of the strong typhoon. But it never crossed my mind that it was that strong that it caused a major destruction not just in the village where I temporarily stay but also in the other parts of the country. As I was typing the power turned of and that was the last time in four days that we had electricity. The rain was not strong but the wind was, and that caused many tree in our village to break down. my cousin kin and me went around the village to see the other damages and we were kinda shocked of what we saw, like a big monster crushed the trees in a single swing of its hand. total darkness filled the place by the end of the day.

second day:

The morning was bright and cheerful, the birds in the sky were chirping happily. but the damage can still be seen from the ay before, and because of that we were tasked to clean up the mess hmp! almost two hours of cleaning in the garden with some ant treats (super laki pa nung nga langam! grrrr!!! at gigil na gigil pag nangagat!). After that I slept (hheheeh favorite past time) then woke up after 30 mins took a bath, ate and slept again hahahaahah!!!! again there was no power that night but my cousin and me managed to do something else rather than stare at each other ... WE PLAYED MONOPOLY! after two hours of rolling the dice, buying properties and moving our "pamato" (hehehe) we grew tired and sleepy.

third day:

again the morning was beautiful and cheerful, we didnt have anything to that day AGAIN so we just read our books. and like the pass two days... all we did was sleep, eat, talk, and eat.

fourth day:

its been 3 days and we're geting annoyed because of the situation the phone lines we're also cut due to some I don't know stuff... and whenever ours is fixed the lines of the people we want to call is cut... but alas later that day the power came back! wuhooo!!! rejoice! But I as I watched the news and saw the destruction the typhoon has made, I was some how ashamed of myself. I was stuck in in the house complaining bout being stuck and not doing anything but eat and read... while other people have no house to be stuck to, no food to eat, nothing to do not just for a day but for almost 2 years and some unfortunately have no family to come home to, no one to embrace and play monopoly with, no one to talk to... just themselves. Tragic but true... sometimes we don't see how blessed we are than other people yet we still tend to complain about being in a situation very much fortunate for others.

Let's just pray for the victims of the typhoon and I hope that the coming storm won't have much destruction like the one that came. Be thankful that you're alive and reading this post heheheh.... even if it's not that good.

God bless everyone! solo dios basta!


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